Europe in the time of payphones
What I see in so many people as they age is a dedication to the absolute preservation of the exterior– the face, hair, even the tone of their entire body – at the expense of the interior.
Almost exact moral equals: those who make art and refer to it as, "my work," and American politicians who say, "I will not allow Syrians or any other Muslims for that matter into our country," rather than saying they'd welcome all political refugees with open arms.
At some point art is only a series of little gestures, like the squiggles Monique Prieto puts at the bottom of some of her paintings. I own a painting by Monique Prieto that has a pink squiggle at the bottom and I'm happy to say that she seems to be a really nice person.
The Spanish word for midnight is medianoche. From now on, every time I use the word midnight I'm going to use the word medianoche instead because I like the way it sounds.
There's no greater pleasure a writer can have than the secret pleasure of reading his own writing and liking the way it sounds.