In praise of bad advertising

If I gave you a pair of pantyhose, would you rob a bank?

Have you ever gotten out of bed in the morning with your first thought being, 'I'm going to go out today and buy a box of good cigars?'

Do you want some advice? Never do business with a man named Rick. It's perfectly allright to do business with a woman named Rick, or Frederika, or Margaret, but avoid any business dealings with a man named Rick.

Wanted: a serious news organization that delivers only the news you need to know, without trying to give context, giving you just enough news to keep watch on yourself and others so that you're able to act and speak intelligently, to correct misinformaton or defend yourself against false witness when necessary.

Imagine writing a novel on a typewriter. Imagine that. Imagine putting a ladder up to the door in the attic, pushing that door open, climbing the ladder, crawling up into the attic to find the typewriter, finding the typewriter, putting it under your arm and climbing down the ladder with the idea of writing a novel, then asking the Magic 8 Ball, 'should I begin writing my novel today about a man writing a novel on a typewriter?'

It is decidedly so.

Brooks RoddanComment