Garland, Wyoming

Sitting by the side of the road in Garland, Wyoming, population 115, thinking this could be the place where Augustine wrote his confessions, after seeing an old man who looks just like him and noting that the landscape looks much like Algeria.

I've had to slow down in Garland, as you do in every town you pass through in Wyoming, from 65 miles an hour to 30.

I didn't like this arcane practice when I first came to Wyoming, 1969, having to slow down while driving through small, sometimes almost non-existent small towns, but I appreciate the discipline of it now.

Sometimes I come to a complete stop, pull to the side of the road, turn off the engine, reducing for a moment my dependence on fossil fuel, and think. At least I think I'm thinking.

Why, for instance, doesn't protecting the environment bring out the best in those who call themselves conservative, not the worst?

Is Marco Rubio, a conservative politician who's calling for more oil drilling, twice as much than the second-most pro-drilling proponent, a viable presidential candidate?

Can't answer the first question. As to the second, the answer is, not this time, but maybe sometime in the future.

Brooks RoddanComment