Wokeness (a Sunday Poem Special)
According to the OED, wokeness is
‘the quality of being alert to and concerned about
social injustice and discrimination…’
More and more often I come to a place
in my own sleep where I can’t help
but wake up.
And what’s wrong with waking up?
Isn’t being awake at least part of the point
of being alive?
Perhaps I’m wrong about this, perhaps we’re approaching
the place where we think without language
and use language without thinking.
Watching the sun rise a little after 6 a.m.
the eerie yellow spine of it appears as if out of nowhere
over the hills,
I wonder what our language will look and sound like
in 100 years, 50 years, 5 years…
if it will be as stranger to us then as it is now,
an artifact assembled from the mis-used words
of mean little people who have miniature mouths
and fervently insist they must be heard.
Sunrise near Sutra Tower, Sunday, March 26,2023. Photo by author.