Real Estate

(Reading Time: 1 minute, 35 seconds)

The residential real estate sales professional knows it’s important to give the prospective buyer the illusion of being alive.

Hence, ‘staging’ the house by the real estate professional so that the prospect knows where to sit, eat, sleep, take a bath and so forth.

Most Frequently Asked Questions, all of which can only be answered in the affirmative by your real estate professional: 1) can I walk to coffee? 2) are the local schools any good? 3) is the neighborhood free from crime?

When asked, “is this house a good investment?“ the real estate professional will almost always say that he or she does not have a crystal ball; therefore, there’s no need to ask. It is also important to remember the credo of the real estate professional—overpromise and under deliver.

Never forget that In some of the most exclusive properties the front door is often left open for the prospective homeowner to discover later on his or her own.

In a really hot real estate market windows are often optional.

House for Sale, Corona Heights, San Francisco, June 22, 2021. Asking price: $1,595,000.

House for Sale, Corona Heights, San Francisco, June 22, 2021. Asking price: $1,595,000.

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