Billionaire as Action Figure

Capitalism is traveling to outer space where there’s lots of available acreage and no laws to obstruct unfettered progress. The custom-fitted spaceship is ready to blast-off.

Only the very, very wealthy and their personal assistants are allowed to board the spaceship, the billionaires having built the spaceship in the first place.

Once cleared for takeoff and then airborne, a debate among the passengers breaks out like a virus breaks out—as if the outcome was inevitable.

The two sides to everything emerge: 1) should the very rich be allowed to go to outer space in the spirit of adventure or 2) is this adventure mostly another opportunity to profit from a new-fangled colonization?

The next question emerges: would you, if you were you rich enough, build the spaceship, much less get on board, or would you stay on earth with the possibility of being killed by a falling meteor?

Astronaut Brain with Toes, Fingers, Penis, and Gnome. Giclee Print, 24” x 24”. Collection of the Author.

Astronaut Brain with Fingers, Toes, Penis, and Gnome. Giclee Print, 24” x 24”. Collection of the Author.

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