Press Release from the Office of Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyoming)
(Casper, Wyoming, July 24, 2021)
That we cannot understand, that others must first understand and then explain in some highly-colored disingenuous partisan prose, whether it be purple or blue, is the premise.
The New York Times pretends to cover the world, running the occasional story on Outer Mongolia, but only Sherwin-Williams Paint actually “covers the earth.” And that’s not just SLOGANIZNG, that’s actual political practice as perfected in the leadership of Senators McConnell, Thune, Cornyn and Portman upon whose shoulders I’m certainly proud to stand, and upon whom America can continue to rely as the Republic goes through the painful withdrawal of its troops from Afghanistan.
The NY Times will tell your that your life expectancy is failing you, that Republicans have gone to the dogs. that Democrats are mealy-weak, and that the Supreme Court is stacked with gargoyle appointees approved by Congress. The fact is that Tax-and-Spend Communists have taken over even the most moderate flank of the Opposition Party: this outrageous scheme to investigate the so-called Insurrection of January 6 is yet a another example of the usurpation of State’s Rights and the peaceful, orderly transition of power within the federal government.
The mainstream liberal media would like you to believe that climate change is to be blamed. As a US Senator, blessed to represent the great state of Wyoming, a world-wide global leader in the ‘extraction industry’, I and my staff continue to look deeply into the so-called climate change issue. I can assure you that the more deeply we look the more we see that the grave we are digging has been dug before many times over. And now that we can see to the very bottom of the so-called ‘problem’, we’re happy to announce we’ve only unearthed a few thousand shovelfuls of petroleum products, all with their warning labels intact..
Thank you for your interest. Next Press release: Voting Rights in America: A Terrible Problem.
Should you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out to me on the Senator John Barrasso Hotline (202) 224-6441.
Senator Barrasso suggests you not read The New York Times, especially columnist Paul Krugman who often write articles filled with false information and a liberal bias.