The Environmental Protection Agency

We seem to have become afraid of living in a world that makes sense.

Next, we'll ban bears, but only certain bears, bears that stand up for their rights. And then leopards, but only certain leopards, the ones with the unfortunate habit of protecting their territory. We've always loved elephants and have made them beloved figures in the stories we tell our children, but elephants are worth hunting for the profit potential to be derived from the ivory they produce. Eagles? Why worry about them? Think of them instead as bald old men walking slowly thru the neighborhood on their way to the delicatessen for a slice or two of pastrami. Fish don't matter, they really don't, they live in water everlasting, the last great unexplored space on earth that God bequethed us--not them--to plunder and exploit. The good news too, a real bonus, is that the fish may be swimming up to our windows soon, our houses half underwater. The snail darters, monarch butterflies, the cypress trees of Santa Cruz? All as common as the air we breathe! It's time all of them be as concerned about us as we are of them.

Reparations are clearly in order.

Brooks RoddanComment