Deep state (pt.2)
What would the world as we now know it (post-war, controlled by baby boomers born 1945-1955) be like if Communism had succeeded as a system of organized governmental control instead of Capitalism?
I pose this rhetorical question rhetorically after listening to Elizabeth Warren, 2020 candidate for POTUS, talk about income inequality, lack of affordable housing, the unconsciousable expense of health care and the burden this expense puts on the shoulders of ordinary folks, and other deliverables in a campagin speech she made in Iowa last night and broadcast on C-SPAN's brilliant new series, Campaign 2020.
(Full disclosure: I was a Facebook friend with Elizabeth Warren in the warm and fuzzy days of Facebook (2010-2014). I called her 'Betty" and she called me, "my friend." I resigned from Facebook in 2015, disliking Mark Zuckerberg and his team of deep state operatives intensely and fearing what could happen would happen--that the social/political pox of Facebook's publicly-stated 'building community' is a faux-cover for the same kind of politically destablizing corporate greed practiced by Wm. Randolph Hearst at the turn of the 20th century. Permit me also to note that I've stated here and elsewhere that Zuckerberg and his ilk should be tried for war crimes, or at the very least for lying to Congress, once again ahead of my time, having since been pardoned by the declarations of Sacha Baron Cohen in his speech to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and the report in The New York Times that Zuckerberg and Trump recently had dinner together under the auspices of San Francisco entrepreneur and libertarian, Peter Thiel).
So, here's the thing as Betty Warren likes to say over and over in her campaign talks: there is no Deep State. What's called the Deep State is a loose set of temporary coalitions made for the promotion of the financial gain for those individuals temporarily in power. There's very little difference now between Capitalism and Communism, (also known as Socialism to those lingering but still rabid anti-Communist's who actually fear that Betty Warren or Bernie Sanders could become POTUS's).
There's no Deep State, the Deep State is a total made-for-TV fiction, the same medium where the fantasy that Capitalism is aligned with freedom, god, the good life, man's inalienable rights, democracy and so forth was born and promoted so enthusiastically post war. If a picture is worth the thousand words they say it is, what about that picture of Tim Cook, CEO of Apple, standing by POTUS Trump in an Apple factory in Texas while Trump is claiming he got the factory built when indeed it was built well before his term in office? And Cook not saying a thing!
The Deep State is you and me, me and you, doing our own thinking--that's as deep as it can ever be. For our purposes, as citizens of the USA, The Deep State is just another control mechanism in a long line of control mechanisms, the mechanism of which Chomsky spoke when he said, "remember, the first job of government is to control its own population."
Noam Chomsky at The Lincoln Memorial, Washington D.C. June, 2019. Photograph by author, all rights reserved.