Riding a stationary bike while drinking Pepsi-Cola--guest blog by Thomas Fuller

America, did you too wake up to yet another dreadful Supreme Court decision? I did.

Reading these recent Supreme Court 'decisions' I see I have truly reached the point in my life where I understand nothing, other than that I live in an increasingly deplorable time adjudicated by deplorable little men who shrink even more once they step into their robes, and who become smaller once again when standing beside their almost as deplorable female counterparts who are themselves robed. If there was an truly honest one amongst them that honest one would resign.

The word 'justice' when applied to the decisions of these nine justices, is misused; the word justice itself twists in our make-believe fantasy world of not too long-ago, a bygone era in which Boy Scout medals were pinned to the chests of the highest acheiveing young male ducks, and the girl hens stayed home to bake fruit pies which they placed on windowsills to cool, and to prove their domesticity to their neighbors beyond a shadow of a doubt. There's no more 'justice' provided by this Court than there is sense to be made of the man I saw yesterday at the gym riding a stationary bike while drinking Pepsi-Cola. Insofar as this country is now a corporate state it is now clear the corporate state now owns this Court: Chief Justice John Roberts appeared on the cover of Fortune Magazine, January 17, 2011. 

The Court is no longer a counterbalance to majoritarian excess, if it ever was, nor does it serve the people, if it ever did. It's more a structural figment of a vast corruption that once again is eating its way across country, having eaten its way many times before, from east to west, north to south and back again.

We should fume at injustice, smoke should come out of our ears just at the thought of it, especially those of us old enough to remember the past.

Southern Pacific Railroad, near Worland, Wyoming, spring 2017.

ps: I trust that I'm not turning into the kind of writer who complains first thing in the morning and who writes only to complain, having so much to complain about but having no solutions in sight, and then runs around the rest of the day finding fault with almost everything and everyone.

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