The last American hero
The media may yet be the hero--at least Trump has created a situation, a climate, in which truth now actually matters, journalistically.
Trump: live by the sword, die by the media. Trump is a media creation, a confectionary comb-over of old-fashioned American blarney, a synthethic property made of equal parts hokum, swagger, and tv ratings. His great notoreity was achieved by the unfortunate popularity of his 'reality' tv shows; I know several people who voted for him because he projected such convincing authority on television, such command, such executive clear-headedness--"you're fired" (one wonders if he would spell you're, your?). And yet the callow forces of media the media circus that created him can now destroy him; Trump is certainly cooperating, however unconscious he seems to be about his cooperation.
The talking heads these days? Look at the lines in their faces! Trump's wearing them down, lie after lie. It's rather amusing to watch really, the increase of the bags under their eyes, as if they're watching their very own snowman melt, drip by drip.