Eat Coke, Andy Warhol said

Always selling and, if not selling, looking for something to sell.

Wherein the first cup of coffee will be preceded by three others.

The lie politicians sell is that there's something wrong with us. That there's something wrong with us serves their purpose.

Our Dear Empire – overproduced, a movie made by Matthew Barney and Busby Berkeley, more fun then you can shake a stick at. The soundtrack features songs by an anonymous woman often mistaken for the tennis star, Serena Williams, a Four Tops cover-band on crystal meth, and a group called 'Coldplay' whose songs sound all the same.

The spectacle is awesome! Beyond adjectival capability! Anyone in attendance thinking there's nothing new under the sun is sentenced to a lifetime of drinking Bud Lite.

By the time the spectators finally leave the stadium, they don't know if they've seen the show in person or on television. In any case they're convinced the world is really smaller than it is, not larger, which is a good thing and allows them to get on with their lives. Strong believers in democracy, less than half of them will vote, fine and dandy with the ones who actually rule them.

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