Carly Fiorina beat Ben Carson by 2,000 votes in the New Hampshire primary. I find this interesting.
Take the T out of Trump and what are you left with? Yes, that's correct.
Kasich! Does he shop at K-Mart or Costco? Our panel of experts will weigh in after this commercial break.
Wasn't Brian Williams the broadcaster who grossly mis-stated his reportorial role in more than one story he covered? And is it true that Andrea Mitchell is married to Alan Greenspan?
Rachel Maddow is from Castro Valley, California which may be why so many people believe she's a communist.
Strategic PR advice for Chipotle: publicly guarantee the health of anyone eating in one of your restaurants for 30 days; pay the medical bill of anyone stricken by eating your food, plus a tax-free cash bonus of $1million.
It appears that Iowa and New Hampshire are anomalies, but we tend to forget that Barak Obama won Iowa in 2008.
We put people, ourselves and others, into untenable situations and expect ourselves and others to act admirably. Consider the young police officer in Brooklyn who broke down weeping on the witness stand, after testifying that he hadn't meant to shoot to kill the young man who's now dead.