The rich young man
Why send a bill if the bill is zero?
Which is often the case with corporate organizations such as Kaiser Permanente and Bank of America.
Often such communications, which look and feel like a bill, will have a disclaimer printed in dark black ink, "THIS IS NOT A BILL."
I once got a refund check from Bank of America for $.17. That's seventeen cents.
I didn't know what to do with it.
I took it as a little message: if B of A is this honest with a small depositer, there's no way they could collude with investment bankers and hedge fund managers to bilk their own stockholders and the Feds.
The semiotic is gold: B of A is a completely scrupulous organization, down to the last penny.
Obsequious and unctuous, two of my favorite words, describe so many personal and professional behaviors.
The rich young man sees through everything.