Chopping wood, thinking about Powell, Wyoming
Harry doesn't read fiction. Why would I want to read about something that never happened, he says.
So I don't talk to Harry about Tom McGuane or Ann Beattie or the influence of Anton Chekhov on either of them.
And I rarely talk politics with Harry. He thinks Fox News is 'fair and balanced' as advertised. And he may be right, considering the current political climate of the country and the folks running for public office.
When I say to Harry, either way you look at it we are guaranteed to have a dysfunctional family move into the White House in 2016, I think he thinks I mean Donald Trump, when I'm actually thinking Clinton or Bush.
Harry told me yesterday that the record for the latest first freeze in Wyoming had been October 10 but, there having been no freeze yet by October 15, that a new record has been set.
I'm pretty sure this indicates that Harry believes global warming is a reality, but coming from him, and knowing Harry, it could be just a statement of fact.