A walk to the river and back

The way up is the way down: Heraclitus.

At the bottom is the conversation we should be having about violence and guns: our propensity for murderous behavior.

Why not get to the bottom of things once and for all!

All this persiflage about the 2nd Amendment, the right to bear arms, civil liberties, blahblahblah, solves nothing.

The ancient Greeks were willing to roll up their sleeves on tough issues and to deal with matters as they were, not how they hoped they'd be: the first recorded law in Ancient Greece was to make cannibalism taboo.

We must go to the source, descend to the very bottom, educate ourselves about our basest instincts, that yes, every man, woman, and child, being human, has the potential of being a murderer.

The way up then would be a good idea, tricky, confusing, full of lost footholds and stumbles, but honest, forthright, with a much greater chance of effectively dealing with the issue.

If we walk down first and then up we could return to the homeland healed, and smelling of sage.

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