Student loan
The pictures of young men and women who have to live at home, having incurred such large debts after going to college to learn how to live on their own, make me long for the not so distant past.
As do the stories, anecdotal and therefore true, of the growing number of even younger men and women choosing not to get their driver licenses the moment they turn sixteen, if they get them at all.
Some new narrative is being created in which the things that once made me happy now make me sad, and any hope I may have for the future is based on information I have no way of obtaining.
The pictures above are by Emerson Roddan, age 3. One's a happy face and one 's sad. I put them together so that they look like one picture, which is what I think Emerson was thinking when she made the pictures. Even if Emerson didn't think of her pictures this way, her picture makes me happy.