If I'm understanding things correctly spiritual anxiety is something to be acheived, not something necessarily given; the spirit is something outside that's brought inside, not something one is born with as I previously understood.
Spiritual anxiety, as I currently understand it, is the third stage of evolutionary consciousness, after the ontic and the moral, and arises from the acute awareness of self, of others, and of the possibility of god.
Paul Tillich's the best writer on the subject. "The one type is the anxiety of annihaliating narrowness, of the impossibility of escape and the horror of being trapped. The other is the anxiety of annihaliating openess, of infinite formless space into which one falls without a place to fall upon." (The Courage to Be, p. 63).
As the war on poverty transitions to the war on the poor, the poor defined as those who've not met expectations, it's clear that the love we professed for one another is a lie.