
Last night I saw the movie I didn't want to see.

It's called "Love", and has subtitles.

Like everything perfect there's something wrong with it.

It's a very boring movie, in the way my life is boring and your life is boring, in the way that when we say our lives out loud to others our lives can seem to come close to nothing  

The story is told by two people, a woman and a man who love one another, about the utter humiliation of conscious and unconscious physical decay, how thin and then invisible the line is between what's civilized and what's primitive.

A pigeon, trapped in the apartment where the two people who love one another live, has a star role. There's a scene in which the pigeon seems to surrender to its fate the way a fully conscious human might surrender, like it knows something's coming and that it's way out of place. The bird is weirdly beautiful, all heart and wings in the throes of oblivion.

We think we live with death differently now then we did in the past, but we don't because we can't.

The movie is now playing in select cities nationwide.

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