Liberal humanist

It's the best I can do.

And the best I can do is the best I can make it.

It's the best that can be made.

I went to college. I learned a little philosophy. A little philosophy led to a little poetry, a little poetry to a little history, a little history to where I am today.

It's not much but it's everything, in the way that everything isn't much these days.

After college I got a tattoo, then another and another and another.

At some point I decided that nothing much would happen to me if I just went on living.

If I can be said to have a sense of knowing what my place is,  it's that it's small but precious and very important to me, as is the place of everyone else.

Now I live over the shop with two other people, one of them a woman and one of them a man. They're good people and we're all good friends.

I drink coffee, read the newspaper, listen to music.

The thoughts that come to me are the thoughts that come to most other people. It's likely that I'll think them the rest of my life.

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