Holding a little child up to a horse

When you read the life of an extraordinary man as I am reading now you may wonder what prevents you from living with your whole heart, why you are so distracted from the very thing that distinguishes you, that permits you the direct and sweet involvement with what you love, why you cannot devote yourself to the path of your life as he devoted himself. For the times that you have lived this way--however brief--have been rich with reception and free of those incidents that most cause distraction.

What is it in you that doesn't want to go any deeper into your life? That feels like a child when you even ask such a question? When feeling like a child and asking such a question is the very thing that could permit you to live as a free man, a man who knows the only questions worth asking are those that have no answers.

But you should be beyond all that by now, shouldn't you? You should have found your life by now. Surely it's there somewhere, always just a little ahead of you. It's stares you in the eye like the big solid eye of a horse, it's what's asking you to look at it with your whole heart.

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