The irony of Mitt Romney
There's a way of thinking of irony as making a picture of a picture. One can create a fairly reasonable representation of reality by presenting a copy of it or by presenting a complete distortion, if not its complete opposite. In the case that one says something other than what one means or one means something other than what one has said, that one is practicing irony and being ironic.
The picture pictured on the left is a picture I took last night of the pictures C-SPAN were taking of the stage at the Republican National Convention minutes after Mitt Romney, the Republican nominee for President, delivered his acceptance speech.
One dictionary definition of "dramatic irony" is that the irony is "inherent in speeches as a situation of a drama and is understood by the audience but not grapsed by the characters in a play."
Another way of thinking about irony is that the act of being ironic is one of interpreting interpretation, and either believing or not believing.