Fukuyama and the end of history

Should have taken a picture of Fukuyama but didn't.

Sat close enough, then wandered through the lobby after the discussion, eyeing the crackers, the cheese, the wine.

Saw the small longish line waiting for Fukuyama to sign his new book, The Origins of Political Order, and thought better of waiting, not having the book and not wanting to buy it there, being next in line for a copy at the SF Public Library.

Thought in retrospect, all thinking being retrospective, even those thoughts devoted to the future, that history is not as much the story of man's struggle for freedom, or of creating a state that respects the individual, as it is a story of the search for the wherewithal and privacy in which to conduct the human experiment.

Exited Fromm Hall. Drove to Clement Street for a dinner of spicy fish stew and bok choi.

Should have thanked Mr. Fukuyama for ending history but didn't.


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