Little Dialog

I don’t know what to do next.

So I ask, what can I do?

Do I mean now, at this moment, or some future I have no concept of as yet?

Stop the questions please, please cease asking questions. There are no answers and therefore no questions need to be asked!

So I turn up my nose at questions now.

“It smells like a question” I say to my partner who’s not listening to me, precisely because she’s my partner.

I love my partner deeply at times, less than deeply at others. I stand behind her at times and in front of her at other times she stands behind me. At these special times we have the opportunity of looking at each other directly in the eye, being able to see both of them, hers yellow-green, mine light bluish, both of our eyes securely beneath our eyebrows, hers scant, mine slightly lusher.

Who are we?

No matter.