The 5 from Los Angeles to San Francisco
(Disclaimer: road thoughts)
Traveling by car is the new luxury. As driver I am both the captain of the ship and passenger, sole proprietor as well as a responsible member of the collective.
Anyone can travel by airplane. Air travel, once thought of as glamourous, the province of the privileged class, has become a sweaty mess of anxious people worried about missed connections, half-filled water bottles, the upcoming flight and whether or not a flock of geese will fly into the jet rotor. The airport itself, however, may now be the safest place in world, a kind of sanctuary, patrolled by armed highly-trained agents with the traveler’s security utmost in their minds.
There should be a new national highway system built—part of the federal initiative to upgrade the infrastructure —for trucks only; i.e. any vehicle with more than 2 axles.
All roads lead to the bathroom.
California should claim its own nationhood. Then all the road signs to impeach the Governor or to criticize him for stealing water from the almond farmers and feedlot ranchers in the Central Valley could be burned at the stake or melted down for their intrinsic value.
Democrats are weak. I guess I’m a Democrat, therefore I’m weak.
There should be a revival of The Salem Witch Trials just for Republicans, specifically McConnell and his bunch of venal pests, although it didn’t start with him, it started well before him, he’s only the latest version.
At the hotel pool the other day I saw a bird on a diving board. It was the first time I’d ever seen a bird on a diving board. Then as a kind of reward for my observation I had a piece of pineapple upside-down cake.
To Tail-Gater’s, you know who you are.