Politics Wyoming

Finally, the politician as saint: Liz Cheney of Wyoming. Liz of Arc. Saint Liz. Mother Elizabeth, as in Mother Teresa. Patron saint, the Blessed Mother, an ever-present beacon of light and hope to all on their journey to heaven. There’s only one Liz Cheney—which brings to my mind Buddha’s notion that there are 64,000 different souls in the world but only one you and one me—the U.S. Representative for Wyoming’s at-large (i.e. single) congressional district. 

Liz is running for President, though the mission is currently “Classified” and highly confidential. One wonders if she’s told her Pa, director of The White-Tailed Deer Association, and asked him to get on the horn and shake the Neo-Con tree? Though what’s to shake? GW Bush is retired, Colin Powell is dead as is Rumsfeld, though Rumsfeld’s the kind of guy who’d think he could come back from the dead like a villain in the early Coen Bros. films (“Blood Simple”), Condi Rice is playing golf in Augusta, Petraeus is giving speeches at $125,000 a pop…

There are more Republicans in Wyoming than white-tailed deer, and there are far too many white-tailed deer. in Wyoming The white-tailed deer have invaded Cody like illegal immigrants; there’s nothing or no one to stop them at the border. White-tailed deer have made forays into little Wyoming towns like Wapiti, expecting social services, using the highways without paying their fair share, a drain on state resources. 

Both Wyoming Senators are Republicans—John Barrasso and Cynthia Lummis, the man and the woman. Senator John can often be seen on national TV standing behind President McConnell, part of the 4 or 5 man Republican brain trust of males in dark suits. Senator Lummis is her own gal, and though she’s no saint there’s also no one quite like her—a staunch believer in the greatness of D. Trump, an election denier, sponsor of a bill to delist grizzly bears from the endangered species list, defender of the oil-and-gas extraction industry. Should Cynthia stay the course there’s no doubt Republican sainthood will be hers..

 Meanwhile, Saint Liz is running for President. Boots are on the ground.

A Kia car, manufactured in South Korea, parked at 1725 17th St., Cody, Wyoming, November 9, 2021. Wyoming is a state of strong political feelings, if not a whole lot of thinking.

Brooks RoddanComment