From now on

Call Chris H last night, wish him luck with his surgery. He says, “it’s not a question of luck.”

Well, Chris and I have had our disagreements over the years and his politics stink, but I think for once he’s right.

Dream: I’m taking myself to the grave, and it’s not as bad as I’d imagined. As I dig the hole I discover tree roots and other buried treasure. When I’ve finally dug as deep as I need to, I wake up—everything I see is new and beautiful, but very dark. I lie down, thinking, ‘so this is the gift time has finally given me.’

In real life I’ve grown addicted to conceptual thinking and have great difficulty with literal storytelling but continue to read the newspaper every morning.

Where journalism fails is in not ascribing motivation, and attributing that failure to objectivity. The best journalists are undertakers.

It’s the job of a ’system’—capitalism, socialism, communism etc.—to cause its citizens to constantly make comparisons and to exhaust its loyal subjects by making constant comparisons amongst themselves..

I would have been ok with Trump fucking around with the country for 4 months, but 4 years! The root problem with Trump is the male aspect, which is never really discussed, at least in the things I’m reading—the poisonous part of a man not only incapable of introspection but who compounds this disability by emitting noxious fumes of victimhood without there being an identifiable perp.

There I go again, exercising my First Amendment rights as a journalist when I’d promised myself to be positive, and not negative, from now on.

Brooks Roddan1 Comment