Citizen Brooks is Sad
The Republicans have weaponized my grief!
They’re now in mourning for the martyred one. And The Big Caca is once again on the loose, only a day or two after being convicted of 34 crimes.
They’re using the whole affair to turn my revulsion against me!
It’s not fair, nor is it kosher.
How is it that the Supreme Court of the United States of America can commit all manner of misdemeanors (just this side of felony) and are now almost set to judge if Big Caca will soon enjoy executive privilege and be granted complete immunity?
I, a citizen, have no answer to this question other than to say I feel persecuted.
btw: moral turpitude is a legal concept in the U.S. that refers to ‘an act or behavior that gravely violates the sentiment or accepted standard of the community’. The term appears first in U.S. immigration law sometime in the 19th century. Moral turpitude laws typically deal with legal, judicial, and business related transgressions…
New York Times, June 1, 2024. Photo by author.