B-Side News

The number of people who can't live with themselves or others is expanding. It's not funny, it's sad; new hospitals must be found.

The domestic political rulers are split into two camps: the Masked and the Unmasked.  The Unmasked think only about what they think they can't live without--bars, restaurants, tattoo parlors--and The Masked think the same thing but take some precautions along with their thinking. 

The musical group Dixie Chicks drop the Dixie. Chicks is bad enough with or without the Dixie, and whether or not one likes the music.

The Headline of the Week is found in The San Francisco Chronicle Wanted Felon Charged with Murdering Danville Doctor, Burglarizing Gold Mine.

In Bangladesh, the owner of a hospital sells fake covid certificates to thousands of migrant workers hoping to return to European saltmines and needing a certified negative test to do so, for $59 a pop. He's arrested on the border of India disguised as a woman, wearing a black burqa that covers him head to toe.

Bob Dylan releases new music under the name Bob Dylan.

The President, having removed, in his own words, "nearly 25,000 pages of job destroying regulations, more than any President by far in the history of our country", faces an uphill battle for re-election amid criticism for his handling of the issue: to-mask-or-not-to mask? The question seems to have been answered in a tell-all book by the president's  niece, Mary.

A federal law is proposed: that two people can get married only if they test positive and are afraid of being with one another. Supreme Court ruling to follow.