Whiskey breakfast

If I could piss in my mouth and know that if I did I would be guaranteed these three things

1) the forcible removal of Don Trump from The White House

2) the complete re-making of The Supreme Court

3) the total destruction of The Republican Party

I would piss in my mouth.

As to the first initiative, I offer this scenario--two Washington DC plainclothes police officers enter the White House with subpoenas, grab Don Trump, read him Miranda Rights, dcuff him, then pick him up from behind, making sure to lift him under the armpits, and throw him into the Rose Garden as Mike Pence looks on with mock horrified glee.

As to the second and third initiatives, equally vital to the purifcation of the republic, I defer to Mr. Chekhov who said it wasn't the writer's job to solve the problem, only to state it clearly.

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