The NY Times vs. Bernard Sanders
If Bernie Sanders was known by his birth name Bernard, Bernard Sanders would be the Democratic Party nominee for President of the United States in 2020.
The New York Times, the nation's 'paper of record' not only keeps misspelling Bernard's name, it is on a concerted mission to invalidate his candidacy--the only real progressive hat in the ring--and in the most obvious, overt ways possible.
Saturday's NYT Opinion section offered back-to-back body slams, one by Timothy Egan '(Bernie Sanders Can't Win') and Bret Stephens ('Bernie and His Angry Bros'). All you had to do was spread the paper out into its full spread efflugence to get the stereoptical effect of Bernie denunciation.
This morning's NYT went even deeper into Bernard denial, with a full page testament to Bernie's non-existence ('More Questions Offer More Insights into the Candidates', p.A16) as seen below. In fact it was a full Bernie erasure.
Bloomberg, Mayor Pete, Amy Klobuchar, Tom Steyer, Elizabeth Warren, and Andrew Yang were all featured--Bernard Sanders was conspicuoulsly absent, as pictured below.
OK, Bloomberg might have paid for his space, but to omit Bernie Sanders, at the time of this writing the front-runner in the quaint little circus of the Iowa caucus, by the preeminent American news source, the newspaper that runs full-page ads in its own newspaper as the teller of Truth, is egregious. To not be wanted by The Democratic Party--Bernard after all does identify as an Independent--is one thing, to be beat-up, ignored to the point of non-existence by a media power as big as The NYT is another.
Bernard's the only candidate--a consistently progressive political activist politician. There is no other like-candidate, there are only vestiges of the sameness the Democratic Party has offered in the last dozen or so elections: Republicans essentially, pre-packaged and then stamped for their authentic resemblance to Republican policy postions, the Christian-Capitalist value system, where each candidate must wear an American flag lapel pin on their shirt or blouse.
Bernard's singularity? Health care for all, embrace of the Green New Deal, the right of women to control their own bodies, a head-on approach to income inequality, the absolute national necessity of good public education. Add Bernie's long-time commitment to humane political practices, the fact that he ran for President in 2016 and might have beaten DTrump, according to independent political polling analysis, as he tapped into the same vein of mis-trust Americans now feel about much of their democratically-elected government. Furthermore, Bernard has had a tested, primarily grass-roots organization in place since 2015!. True believers in Bernard, be warned: were he to be elected he'd probably be shot six weeks into his Presidency, that's how progressive Bernie is, and how much he's loathed by those in power, including The New York Times.
I can't help but think, if Bernie was known as Bernard, his birth name after all, that Bernies chances of acceptance within the political establishment would be greatly enhanced. There's really no other candidate, however you spell his name.
Sideways, The New York Times, Feb.4, 2020, p.A16,, omitting Bernard Sanders from the full page article, "More Questions Offer More Insights into the Candidates."