Obama Trump in 2020: Hope and Despair

Americans are depressed about America. The New York Times said so this morning in an op-ed piece.

I too am depressed, not so much about the country but about the world itself, the whole world, everything that is the case as Wittgenstein put it. America is the least of my problems. I know what to do for America and Americans.

The country needs something for everybody, something it hasn't had since The Great Depression. American needs a radical plan, like the one put into place in 1931 when the Hoover Dam was first conceived. Yes, we need jobs but more impoertant we need unity. We need to come together as in the days of the WPA when grand projects were carried out to the benefit all of us, the little people. We need something to believe in again, each and every one of us, Republicans and Democrats, Democrats and Republicans, Libertarians and un-Libertarians. 

I therefore propose a 2020 Obama Trump Presidential ticket, i.e. something for everybody. Cease this stupid partisanship. Obama gets the blue states, Trump the red: each rules their own state(s) in a hybrid fusion of local and federal jurisdictions, with details to be announced later: IN GOD WE TRUST.

And England must return to the pure monarchy of its forefathers. Anyone worried about the political turmoil created by Brexit, and still thinks a re-constituted monarchy isn't the answer to the present situation, needs to read Shakespeare for both guidance and reassurance. 

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