Inside the impeachment hearing
I followed Siri obediently and she led me to the Directions app on my iPhone which in turn guided me to Washington D.C. where Senators were crawling like dung beetles all over the nation's capitol as the Impeachment Trial was taking place.
Democratic dung beetles had posted a Wanted Dead or Alive photo opp of The President, Donald J. Trump, not to be confused with Fred Trump or Ivanka Trump or Tiffany Kushner, on their Power Point presentation in Senate chambers. The President's visage, repellent at best and even more so when seen in profile, was projected on the white background of The Treasury Building in which the profile was captured in shadow by a gotcha tabloid photographer, so that the contrast of the human profile against the insensate concrete building made it clear to all watching that the concrete itself was more intelligent.
Arguments were made for getting rid of this horrible human experiment of genetic fecal material, this walking bowel movement who had somehow--through the cunning of his base and the backwater manipulations of The Subprime Court, the most disingenuous legal body in the land, progenitors of Citizens United whose Chief Justice, is presiding over this impartial hearing--become President.
Republican dung beetles, at the moment holding the majority of seats inside the political phyla, listened to the arguments respectfully, clustering as is their wont, around likenesses of their President, an image they hold as sacred as the pharoahs held the Scarab (Scarabaeus sacer), otherwise known as the dung beetle, in ancient Egypt.
In real life some dung beetles crawl, some tunnel, some live inside the dung they cultivate. They are, above all, incredibly competent at arranging their environment to insure their survival.
The Crusader Rabbit of American Jurisprudence as he appeared on the cover of Fortune Magazine, of all places, not long after he was awarded his robes.