Political Strategy, Portland, Oregon
The American electorate finally got what it deserved--Donald Trump--and now it wants to impeach! That's very hard to believe.
And that there still remain 42% of the electorate who enjoy being lied to. Equally hard to believe.
Being in favor of impeachment myself I suggest a strategy that will either hasten impeachment or postpone the inevitable non-impeachment, the most likely outcome, until the 2020 presidential election.
1) Cede the fanatical 42% who can neither see nor hear the obvious--that their hero is banal AND a man completely & utterly disconnected from them, his constituents, in terms of net worth, social class, and empathy for their plight.
2) Appeal strongly to American men and women's sense of nostalgia, that time when the people felt close to their government and had a leader they trusted as much as they once trusted George Washington.
3) State the obvious as if no one's ever heard it before.