Walking to the Polls
I voted today, early and only once.
While walking to the polling place I asked, would I vote for myself?
No, I'd have to say, people vote for charismatic candidates and I'm charismatic only to myself, no one else finds me charismatic. (Well maybe I would, if I could have one of those places on the ballot where only I am running, of which there were three on the ballot in San Francisco).
Walking to the polls, I marveled at just how deeply the country had sunk into its Judeo-Christian values, especially since Trump had been elected, perhaps never to be rescued.
If you're interested in just how deeply the country has sunk visit the US State Department website for the speech delivered by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, "Being a Christian Leader," in which Pompeo recounts his formative Bible studies at West Point that, "helped me begin my walk with Christ."