Political offensive
All this talk now about Democracy and The Constitution and The Founding Fathers, those framers of The Constitution, makes one nostalgic for the good old days of The Royalty, the system that served us so well for so long and which WE, THE PEOPLE overturned in such a simplistic, uninformed, ill-advised palace coup more than 200 years ago...
The political architecture of the present moment is so fraught with over-building and under-thinking as to be breathtaking. The party of The Righteous, the Democratic Party, and the party of the Ever More Righteous, the Republican Party: each are mortally aggrieved, one with the other, The Democrats with DTrump and The Republicans with The Democrats.
The righteousness seems split along party lines, which suggests the stand-off could go on a long time, at least up to the time of Presidential election of 2020, where it will probably land in the lap of The Supreme Court, as it did in 2000, and certain favors will be called in by Trump and his Men as they were by Team Bush in the Dark-but-Getting Darker Age of 2000-2008. And so we'll be treated to another 4-years of DTrump, right up to and through the next conflagration as predicted by Naomi Klein.
I could opt out of Democracy right now for a King, or better than a King, a Queen--a loving, wise, judicious ruler, wealthy enough to be good to the people, kind, fair, apolitical, anonymous enough to walk the streets without the Secret Service but brave enough to go behind enemy territory and get bin-Ladin or al-Baghadi single-handedly, or ask for a face-to-face meeting. In other words, I'm seeking a real leader with Super-Hero abilities.
Unhappily, I am now a Democrat in America, having sampled three other palatable political party's the US has offered during my time as a voter--Peace and Freedom, Green, and The Socialist Party of America--and finding that none of them met my needs. I do yearn for the peace-of-mind a benign royal leader could theoretically provide, and am willing to sacrifice certain 'freedoms' now guaranteed by our Constitution, though not the "life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness" as vouchsafed by The Declaration of Independence, for the kind of basic, competent leadership you'd think we could expect as tax-paying citizens...you do pay your taxes, don't you?
As an unhappy Democrat, but seeing no alternative, I've developed have several 'ideas' that will guarantee a Democratic political landslide in 2020, ending the Republican DTrump Reign of Incompetence and restoring the republic to the glory it enjoyed before it was formed.
1) Paint the Republicans as the Socialist's they are!
2) Create a young/old coalition comprised of children too young to vote (Greta Thunberg for instance, Greta Thunberg types, but American) but who actually get out in the streets and do something, and older people (70 years and up) who are old enough to recognize good ideas, are willing to give the young people money, and tell the young people what a great job they're doing.