From an Oval Office
In the Age of Chivalry it was live by the sword, die by the sword. In the Age of Trump it's live by PR, die by PR (should there be the Age of Trump).
As noted here before, were there really a 'Deep State' Trump never would have become President as the 'Deep State' would have seen to his not becoming President.
Winston Churchill's latest biographer, an Englishman, interviewed the other day on C-SPAN, was asked hyper-politely at the very end of the interview if Churchill was an alcoholic. "O no," the biographer said, "he drank far too much to be an alcoholic."
Perhaps Churchill drank in excess because he knew how many biography's would be written about him.
Henry Adams, a fine writer himself--the great-grandson of John Quincy Adams who served as the sixth president of the United States (1825-1829) and whose diaries have just been published that reveal JQA to be a surprisingly broad-minded, enlightened politician for his time--called politics "the systematic organization of hatreds."