Some people give me the kreeps: Kavanaugh

At the risk of seeming self-referential, I urge you to take a look at Brooks Roddan's op-ed piece today on the website link below. Once on the site feel free to click 'From Brooks." It may give you a good feeling.

Brooks' satirical 'opinion' may seem a little extreme, though its extremity does do some justice to the breathtaking extremity of the possibility of Brett Kavanaugh's appointment, backdropped by the callow, phony santimoniousness of this country's Republican Party and the acute incompetency of the Trump Presidency.

I also agree with Brooks' earlier assessment of the character of Kavanaugh (and Gorsuch for that matter, the other legal-Eagle Scout who always washes behind his ears): that if Kavanaugh was truly a man of character and unimpeachable integrity, as advertised, he wouldn't accept an appointment from a President as morally tainted as Trump, a President who seems completely comfortable in vaporizing not only the notion of truth in civic life but so many of its operational components. 

Besides, if Kavanaugh were confirmed there would then be far too many Catholics on the Court--five of them, including Sotomayor and, while I have nothing against Catholics, that's too many.

If there is to be no separation between Church and State then I suggest that some sort of religious and non-religious/ethnic balance be constructed in the name of Democracy, specifically in regard to The Supreme Court: a representional Judicial branch of government that is either truly independent, made up of a proportional balance of all races, creeds, and colors. Otherwise we'll be living under the martial law this current Court seems so desperately want to declare, governed by a bunch of ideological predators dressed in robes who are actually federal employees serving at the whim of the President, doing the work of cabinet members. 

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