Why do Republicans Hate Obamacare?
Proof that you can apply poetry to anything: for instance, if you make a long poem short does it necessarily ruin the poem? Or if you make a short poem long does it make it better?
The Thai restaurant last night on Florida St. near 18th! Who were those people eating blue rice? So noisy and young and rich. Where did they come from? How did they make their money? What potion was in those large bowls that they drank out of communally, sucking on long straws? And who were those people preparing the food in the kitchen, bringing it to the table, marching and banging drums and holding sparklers and bringing cake to parties in which a birthday was being celebrated.
Yesterday was Bad Poetry Day. I'd gone out to dinner to celebrate with friends at the aforementioned restaurant on the far side of town, leaving early so as not to be late. I arrived at the restaurant in plenty of time, overjoyed as there appeared to be lots of parking spaces. I soon realized however that there were signs prohibiting parking between the hours of ____ and ______ for a special event that was to take place in the nieghborhood. No wonder it looked as if there was plenty of parking! A four block radius surrounding the restaurant was cordoned off. It was like living in The Presidio in the days of Obama when whole city blocks in Pacific Heights would be blocked off for hours every time Barack was in town for a fundraiser.
I finally found a parking place after a 20 minute search, by which time I was right on time for dinner.
Health care was not the subject at dinner, nor was poetry. I was the only known poet at the table, and my companions knew I was unknown, so we talked about other things. S___had a new Fitbit; his fiancee was reading Charles Eisenstein; they'd just returned from Paris where they'd gone to celebrate their engagement, which they both considered to be their honeymoon. I liked the sound of that, that they were doing things their own way. S____is a patent attorney, so the subject of intellectual property came to the table. Thomas Jefferson wrote some of the original US law involving patents, S____said. Someone else then said, I wonder what Jefferson would have made of Donald Trump?
Many things make no sense, and the more I think about many things the less sense they make. It seemed to me last night in San Francisco, driving home from the restaurant on Bad Poetry Day, that our recent national history is a big falling backwards to try to catch everything we think is owed us.
Letter from Wallace Stevens to Kenneth Patchen, 1941, responding to Patchen's request of Stevens that he underwrite the publication of a book of Patchen's poems, presaging Republican opposition to Obamacare, otherwise known as The Affordable Care Act.