Judicial Crisis Network (JCN)

Who's seen the :30 TV spot advertising the virtues of Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh?
It's a $1.4 million ad buy, created and funded by The Judicial Crisis Network (formerly The Judicial Confirmation Network, which financed ad campaigns for the nominations of both John Roberts and Samuel Alioto), a 501c organization. 
The Judicial Crisis Network (JCN) also created a campaign for then Supreme Court nominee Neil Goresuch who did, of course, become confirmed and is now a Supreme Court Justice.
I saw the ad spot on either CNN or MSNBC yesterday at the gym, just about falling off my stationary bike. There was Brett Kavanaugh, packaged like a Zacky Farms chicken or a new drug that might cure your asthma but comes with so many side-effects that it might also kill you. 
The question arises, of course, in the case of these recent Supreme Court nominees, what sort of person would accept a nomination from a man like Donald Trump? Assuming the nominee is as righteous, honorable, fair, impartial, as excellent a human being, a high-high achiever etc. as advertised...
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