McConnell, a Shark, and the Judge
The savage servility sliding by on grease that R. Lowell saw sliding by in his poem "For The Union Dead" slid by last night, sliding down the gullet of every man, woman, and child in the USA, as our Emperor and Commander in Chief made his announcement of the newly-minted Supreme Court nominee. The odds in Vegas are that the nominee, having come up through the ultra-right academic and judicial farm systems, will be swiftly reunited with his previously approved and most righteous breathren on The Supreme Court of this mighty and great land.
I couldn't watch the thing live, it being bad television at best, directed by and starring a breathtakingly abhorrent cast of liars, hypocrites, and self-righteous faux conservatives intent on elevating their "base" to their own astonishing pre-achieved levels of baseness and vulgarity.
I did see the 're-enactment' this morning on CNN. Yahweh McConnell was grinning from ear to ear, and The Rev. Mike Pence, a shark in shark clothing, made clay of his spittle, drooling in glee, so darn happy that he slobbered as it were onto his American flag lapel pin. The judicial nominee grinned too but, under instructions by his boss to say nothing, said nothing.
Perhaps there's nothing to say.
The sight of this gleeful threesome--who many Christians believe to be the best and brightest in our 3 branches of government--drove me to The Bible, where I opened to the Book of Judges and began to read. It's classic Old Testament, full of unfaithful, unbelieving people and a vengeful God.
Getting the News in the Pre-Television Era: President Ulysses S. Grant reading The New York Times, 1880.