I had a view...guest blog by Sam Gurr
I had a view of what I thought the universe should be.
I spent my whole life trying to accomplish my goals.
I was finally able to accomplish my destiny.
I have made myself into a god!
I cleaned the planet of waste.
I removed the threats to all life on Earth.
I confronted the people that could end the lives of everything that lives on this planet.
But solving their problems for them was pointless.
They wanted me to cure their illnesses.
They wanted me to make them happy and feel safe.
They wanted more than a god could provide.
They didn't care about what I wanted.
My accomplishments seemed pointless.
I let the world continue on the path it unwillillingly chose.
The very unique Sam Gurr has previously contributed two or three guest blogs to IFSF. He lives in Las Vegas, NV and works in the gaming industry.