Thomas Fuller's cutting-room floor comments
Some stuff Fuller said that didn't make it into the 'interviews':
--the older you become the more you're forced to live with your flaws, the more your flaws impose themselves upon you until they become old friends.
--Remember that old thing about writers not wanting to to talk about their writing while they were writing? Like it was some form of bad luck to do so? Well it isn't. I always talk up my book before I write it to as many people as possible, putting myself in the position of having to write it.
--I often feel I'm living at the time when Eliot's just finished The Wasteland.
--I live in the big suicidal country of the USA.
-- When something seems normal it's not what it seems; when everything looks normal you can rest assured that it's not.
--Big question: why isn't the media screaming for Trump's tax returns?
--TV? I only watch sports on TV. As would the ancient Greeks. I sometimes imagine watching golf with Aristotle, basketball with Plato. The Greeks would ban the NFL though as corrupt.
--The World We've Made? Everyone should have to think about it for at least one hour a day; only then could real change be made.
--I started reading and writing poetry when poetry was a small but important faction in the CIA. Nobody in the agency noticed me but published their poems anyway in The Paris Review and other government sponsored literary journals. It wasn't that I didn't want to be published in these places, it was just that I didn't know the code to the bathroom door.
--My greatest accomplishment? My children: seeing how they've made themselves into their own men.