Twitter writers
There was a time when it appeared wonderful that a novel could be written on an iPhone, and novels were written that way apparently, in Japan and elsewhere, though I never read one.
But that time has passed, and it wasn't really that wonderful a time after all, though it was more wonderful than it is now when writers are being seduced by Twitter and Facebook and other social mediums, frittering away, as my mother, a writer, used to say, whatever words they might have otherwise used toward a sort of instant gratification, (which I think of for the time being immediate call-and-response), rather than doing the deeper thinking that always creates the better writing and instead doing the kind of writing that needn't be written at all.
I too have a Twitter feed, though I'm not proud of it. It just sort of magically comes to me, somehow, at least twice a day. I don't add to it, in fact I subtract from it the moment it comes, noting all the many writers who do Tweet incessantly--many of whom are best-sellers--Tweeting valiantly, staying in the game, relentlessly Tweeting daily, or hourly, which ever the case may be.
Much more can be written about this of course.