Tax plan for the literate

Republicans want rich people to rule the country; Democrats aren't sure they like rich people anymore, but it does seem that the majority of Democrats like rich people more than they like poor people, though occasionally the richest of them do speak up for the poor.

As long as Republicans are re-writing the tax code, why not cut taxes on the literate to encourage the reading of better and better books, and in the process to stimulate the maximum potential of civilization?

Though perhaps we'd be better off without literature altogether. Perhaps we'd better off leaving only a very few books behind, or even better, to leave a few manuscripts of books behind, one from each continent. And then as the population of each continent grew, allow one book per millenium per continent to survive; so that 3 books per continent over a period of 3,000 years would come to a grand total of 21 books in the world at any oone time, or thereabouts.

Brooks RoddanComment