Muddy Waters & Bo Diddley & me
Now that I live in a world where men are becoming more like the women they should have been more like in the first place, will women become more like the men who hurt them? Or will they remain the women they've always been?
In regard to the power men had over women in the past, I always asked myself two questions in the present: 1) would I want me on top of me? and 2) would I want me on the bottom of me, that is, underneath me? These questions always seemed to me to be a kind of sexual golden rule that I would apply to the other, as I hoped the other would apply to me.
It seems so straightforward, doesn't it? What kind of person, male or female, would want to take something that didn't belong to them? Or force themselves on another in the name of an act of love?
In such a world Mr. Rimbaud's I is another seem like good words to live by.