Today's The New York Times
Prime Minister Saad Hariri of Lebanon returned to his country on Twitter as Lebanese eagerly awaited the latest act in one of the most unusual and puzzling diplomatic dramas in recent history.
As Mr. von Marschall said, "What has been postponed already for almost too long is now postponed even longer."
"I feel so good about myself," the president said softly, appraising his own clemency, laying a hand on the bird after seeking permission to touch it from turkey professionals.
...;he was loved for who he was--a battered, imperfect soul, still in the throes of becoming himself.
Some days, I find this whole nightmare like a bad dream, wishing I could wake up, and it was all over.
A family-friendly cartoon deals with the afterlife, but don't let that scare you.
Thanksgiving is just about here. Preparations are well under way, everything seems to be in order, except...we forgot about the wine.