Thoughts from the crypt of my soul

Can't we just get rid of the guy?

It's not so much that I dislike his thinking--though I do, very much--it's more that he acts like he doesn't really want to be President.

Would I be opposed to The Klan re-forming and putting rich, white Republicans who suffer either from delusion or brain damage or both, in their crosshairs? I know it's a terrible thought, and not to be taken seriously, but I'm old enough to remember the comedian Jack Benny being asked by a burgler at gunpoint, "your money or your life?" And Benny taking more than a moment or two to answer, then answering, "I'm thinking it over."

As to these terrible mass shootings, why not offer mass shooters a designated place where they can shoot living beings? Shoot all they want--handguns, automatic and semi-automatic rifles, any and all sorts of explosive weaponry--at crows and worms.

Letters to Trump, Ryan, McConnell, Roberts at the Supreme Court and his new sidekick, Goresuch: Dear___, why do you lie so much? What's the point? Why not tell the truth? It's so much more powerful. Are you aware where the phrase, honesty is the best policy originated? Benjamin Franklin. 

I hope The Supreme Court surprises me on this gerrymandering case, but I know it won't.

Only in America could a book be produced of paintings of military vets, some of whom were severly wounded while serving in Iraq and Afghanistan, painted by the President who sent them to serve there, George W. Bush. There is such a book; the paintings aren't bad either, in the way George W. Bush doesn't seem such a bad President now that we have Donald J. Trump.

Why isn't the media asking Trump better questions? Are the 58 dead in Las Vegas fake news? Is the N. Korean missle test fake news? Are the hurricanes fake news?

The Fuhrer will be rejected. His rejection will greatly overwhelm Clinton's rejection, and before her rejection Jimmy Carter's rejection. It will be such a spectacular, overwhelmingly popular rejection that he'll be forgotten the moment it happens. 

Brooks RoddanComment