Publisher as ghost

The Publisher is a person who lives a life of reckless abandon, under the auspices of a merciful and loving God.

"To thine own self be true" rarely applies to the publisher, though the publisher must insist that it apply to the writer the publisher is publishing, that otherwise the publisher would not publish.

The Publisher is played by Wallace Berry; the writer by Samuel Beckett. The set is designed by Quentin Tarantino, a writer at heart who, like most writers, is desperate for cash and will take almost any job that allows him to write. When Tarantino is accused of plagiarizing the set design of the 1940 movie classic, "Wyoming", he finally has something real to write about and produces a best seller.

It's not the kind of book The Publisher's looking for however. The publisher's looking for a different kind of book, the kind of book Samuel Beckett would write if he didn't have to contend with social media and nettlesome consultants, in an earlier time when there were more opportunities for the writer to withdraw into the real silences where something could actually be created, and something new could be said that hadn't been said before.

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