Orrin Hatch sets a new standard for painkillers

He wonders, what exactly is the principle he's upholding? The principle being upheld does not match the pin he wears in the lapel of his suit.

It's true he'd become anti-plot the closer he came to the end of his life, and could see that white men were failing much faster than men of color. Ships keeled in an ocean of idiots, words couldn't find their meanings, nor could meanings find their words. The ship of state seemed to be foundering as well, showing Jerry Lewis movies on board to the delight of the passengers.

Dispassionate and technocratic, perhaps that's the best way to be? Let the President appoint God if he so chooses, it makes no difference who he appoints. For
my name is Orrin Hatch; my intention is not to be disrespectful but to adhere to principles even if there are none.

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